MOZART FAMILY CONCERT - Excerpts from Mozart's Magic Flute,
with creative play time and refreshments after the concert CEA Chamber Ensemble CENTER FOR EMERGING ART presents THE MUSIC MAP of the WORLD CHAMBER CONCERT FESTIVAL NEW MUSIC with MEANING during the 17th & 18th CENTURY CEA Chamber Ensemble Sonate
da Chiesa by Archangelo Corelli (comp. 1689) Trio in D Major by Joseph Kreutzer (1778-1832) Three Fugues (arr. Martin)
by J. S. Bach (1685-1750)
VERSATILITY of a TRIO CEA Chamber Ensemble Winter Impressions by Sergio Assad
(b. 1952) Sonata I by J. S. Bach (1685-1750) Five Duets (for Violin and Guitar) by Bela Bartok Movimento Variato
for Flute, Viola, Guitar
ARIA for SOLO VOICE CEA Chamber Ensemble
and invited GUEST ARTISTS Florida Grand Opera: Sergio Puig,
piano and Eduardo Aladren, Tenor
RUSSIAN and JEWISH MUSIC from the Former Soviet Union
CONCERT SERIES is made possible with the support of the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs
and the Florida Arts Council, the Miami-Dade Department of Cultural Affairs, the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade
County Mayor and the Board of County Commissioners and the NEA, Audrey Love Charitable Foundation, Adrienne Arsht Center for
the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County, Miami Book Fair International Cultural Fringes Program and the Miami-Dade County
Tourist Development Council and private donations. The Music Map of the World concerts will take place over a four year period, and gives
voice to the cultural roots of great composers from seven continents. The CEA CHAMBER ENSEMBLE includes talented Florida musicians
Paul Martin, classical guitarist, Oderlyn Gutiez, flute, Modesto Marcano, viola and violin, and invited guest artists from
the Florida Grand Opera, “who will give voice to the music closest to the composer’s heart because it is the music
the composed to be played and heard by friends, confidants and peers of the composer in a salon style setting” said
Ava Rado, CEA Artistic Director. Center for Emerging Art Contact: Ava L. Rado 305.538.2803
Center for Emerging Art’s PREVENTION through the ARTS EXHIBITION Created during the CEA Artist-in-Residency Miami Beach Middle School 7th Grade Students Fienberg
Fisher K-8 Center announced today an exhibition of artwork done by the 7th Grade students. The
exhibition, entitled “PREVENTION through the ARTS,” features the artworks of students who participated in the
Center for Emerging Art’s Art-in-Education Artist-in-Residency at the elementary school. “The Prevention
through the Arts Program was designed and funded for the past 3 years by the State of Florida, Division of Cultural Affairs,
and the exhibition is the direct result of the YOUTH ARTS ENRICHMENT GRANT PROGRAM from
Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade
County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners and by the Children’s Trust. The Trust is a dedicated source of
revenue established by voter referendum to improve the lives of children and families in Miami-DadeCounty” said Ava L. Rado, Center for Emerging Art’s Artistic
Director. The show will be on display
at the school from April 7, 2008 through April 30, 2008 during ALCOHOL AWARENESS MONTH and the school is delighted
that the CEA was able to expand the program to the elementary school. The Prevention through the ARTS program is an educational
outreach program offered by the Center for Emerging Art, which is designed to make avail quality learning and quality educational
opportunities through the Arts. The Program participants engage in educational workshops and hands-on art making activities
while learning about alcohol and drug prevention creating their original works of art carrying a Peer to Peer message about
the use and abuse of drugs learned in the workshops. The student created their own personal PREVENTION MESSAGE during
the 2008 Artist-in-Residency at theFEINBERG FISHER K-8 CENTER and PREVENTION ART CONTEST WINNERS are Tiffany Semacio, Sindy
Barahona, Lianet Zaldivar, Denise Candolita
The PREVENTION through the ARTS program was developed and designed by Ava Rado, Center for Emerging Art’s Director
and works with high school and middles school students to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the issues that are
related with the use of Alcohol and Drugs. The program encourages prevention in its participants through the Arts with
on-going discussion and dialogue about substances i.e. alcohol, drugs through music, dance, literature/writing and visual
arts. The Center for Emerging Art’s
educational outreach program encourages prevention on a much larger scale and is brought back to the students and the community,
as the students develop visual arts exhibition, musicals, poetry written by and for students as a "work in progress,"
and performed as peer to peers in the school and the community.
Founded in 1995, the Center for Emerging Art’s mission is to facilitate a forum in which artists and the public can
together challenge traditions, explore new ideas, and serve as a gateway through which the artists can enter the arts mainstream. Through
the presentation of exhibitions, performances, education outreach programs the CEA directs its efforts to respond to the ever-changing,
total artists’ and community’s needs.
For further information about the Center for Emerging Art’s PREVENTION through the ARTS program please contact Ava L.
Rado, Executive Director at 305.538-2803 or visit the CENTER FOR EMERGING ART website: #
# #

SCHOOL MUSICAL DEBUTS ON THE BEACH (written, directed, cast and performed
by students) Miami, FL – Students at Miami Beach High School are
completing preparations for three performances of a new musical – “10 Year Reunion, Our Stories”. Students
participated in the writing, music, drama, and production of this one of a kind Musical Production. The musical is a series
of vignettes depicting the real life consequences of substance abuse.
The Center for Emerging Arts is producing
the musical as a collaborative partner in a children’s substance abuse prevention initiative known as the Miami Beach
Super CAT operated by Informed Families/The Florida Family Partnership. The initiative is funded by the Children’s Trust.
The musical is created by youth at Miami Beach High School under the artful guidance of the Miami Beach based Center
for Emerging Arts.
Through the process of creating the musical, students learned about drug and alcohol abuse
and how it can destroy lives. It’s a serious message delivered in an innovative package.
“We hope the
community takes advantage of this unique opportunity and enjoys an engaging musical performance. We are grateful to the Children’s
Trust for making this possible.” --------------------------------------------------------- PRESS RELEASE
– CONTACT: Ava Rado 305.538.2803
Center For Emerging Art The CEA CHAMBER ENSEMBLE and guest musicians will perform
4 concerts from the “Music Map of the World” Chamber Music Concert Series during October at The STANDARD, Miami.
The Music Map of the World takes place over a four year period, and gives voice to the cultural roots of great composers
from seven continents. The CEA CHAMBER ENSEMBLE includes talented Florida musicians Paul Martin, classical guitarist,
Adelina Krivosheina, pianist, Oderlin Gutiez, flute, Rebecca Diderrich, violinist and guest
musicians Ciro Fodere, pianist, Will Forstman, saxophone, Victor Nikolov, pianist and invited guest performers DjembesNjazz
drummer Will Brown, Kristoff and Ricardo Lopez, who will give voice to the music closest
to the composer’s heart because it is the music the composed to be played and heard by friends, confidants and peers
of the composer. The performance of chamber music will allow the audience to become
familiar with music from 31 countries of the World, encouraging purposeful listening to enhance multicultural understanding
and historical perspective for each cultural heritage. The knowledge of cultural heritage is essential in developing
an appreciation for who we are, what influence our musical heritage plays in our lives and why we interact with others as
we do. This knowledge of our musical heritage can help understand the diversity of life styles and cultural differences
in our community. Each concert will represent different country, with Italy, America
and Africa at The Standard Hotel, 40 Island Avenue, Miami Beach. For further information
call Ava Rado at 305.538.2803

Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural
Affairs Secretary Hood Announces an Exhibition of Works by the Center for Emerging Art
Tallahassee, FL -- Secretary of State Glenda E. Hood announced today an exhibition of mixed-media works
from the Center for Emerging Art of Miami Beach. The exhibition, entitled “Preserving the Legacy,” features the
artworks of senior citizens that were created through an artist-in-residence program. The show will be on display at the Old
Capitol Gallery from July 7, 2004 through October 3, 2004. “The Department of State is delighted to host this exhibition
which is the direct result of our arts in education grant program,” said Secretary Hood.
the Legacy” is an educational outreach program offered by the Center for Emerging Art, which is designed to make lifelong
learning and quality educational opportunities available in the visual arts to Florida’s seniors. Program participants
engage in educational workshops and hands-on art making activities to share their life experiences through the creation of
original works of art. The artworks on exhibit incorporate a variety of artistic media from quilting to painting and depict
the personal stories and cultures of the participants.
Founded in 1995, the Center for Emerging Art’s mission
is to facilitate a forum in which artists and the public can together challenge traditions, explore new ideas, and serve as
a gateway through which the artists can enter the arts mainstream. Through the presentation of exhibitions, performances,
artistic programming, education, and research, the Center directs its efforts to respond to the ever-changing, total artists’
and community’s needs.
The Old Capitol Gallery is located in the Capitol Complex in the Lower Level Rotunda
of the Old Capitol. Hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; and Sunday,
12:00 noon to 4:30 p.m. For further information, contact Erin Long at the Division of Cultural Affairs at (850) 245-6475 or

Artist Residency @ Miami Beach Senior Center
* * * * * * * Exhibition "Digital Divide" Old Capitol Gallery Tallahassee 2004 CENTER for EMERGING ART, Inc. - The Center for Emerging Art was founded in 1995, is a 501(c)3 non-profit arts organization
dedicated to the presentation of performances, workshops, and community educational programs, and innovative cultural events.
The Center for Emerging Art, Inc.'s mission is to facilitate a forum in which artists and the public can together challenge
traditions, explore new ideas, and serve as a gateway through which artists can enter the Arts mainstream. Our mission further
is to provide innovative, high quality arts programs in the community, and use the Arts as a way to build bridges of understanding
between cultures. The Center for Emerging Art promotes creativity as a means of personal and societal transformation, as art
and culture allow a better understanding of ourselves, our society and our community.

Judge Vas Klari Kepecs, Ava L. Rado, Former Ambassador Brinker

From right: Marta Szabo, First Lady Laura Bush, Tamas Erdi 11 July 2006 Reception for Laura Bush

Ava Rado Harte - One-Woman Exhibition - Nador Terem, Budapest 2006

Cultural Access - Touring Artist September 2005 International Cultural Exchange 2006 VSAFL in partnership with the CENTER for EMERGING
ART presents the International Cultural Exchange Program “Together-Együtt”, featuring Hungarian pianist Tamás
Érdi and Tamás Németh with Ungaria Zongora Négyes September 2006 in the Center for Emerging
Art’s concert in Budapest **************************************
RELEASE AVANT GARDEN: an African-American
Slave Garden The Center for Emerging Art, Inc.,
along with its project partners, completed
the Avant Garden: An African-American Slave Garden with the Harvest taking place on September 22, 2006. The
Avant Garden: An African-American Slave Garden was created by participants in the community
and the students from Miami
Beach Senior High School. The exhibition of
the exhibition of the artwork created by the students has toured to the Riley
Museum in Tallahassee and presently on exhibition at the Sunrise Community. Ms.
Ava L. Rado, Executive Director of the Center for Emerging Art, served as the Artistic Project Director responsible for the
implementation of the program and supervised design and planning the Garden, the planting and the artists in residents involved in the
project. The Avant Garden: An
African-American Slave Garden focused on the development of arts education programs for seniors, adults, and
youth who learned about slavery and life on the plantations during the 1700's. During the education workshops the brief overview
of the landscape elements of the African American yard in the south was discussed as it evolved after the abolition of
slavery. Plants most frequently found in traditional African
American yards in what has been referred to as the black belt of the American South was reviewed along with slavery in Florida. In Florida's sub-tropical climate we can grow a range of vegetables and herbs which are commonly grown in Africa, that was brought to America by slaves.
The bottom line is, we could not duplicate exactly a traditional African-American yard since in Florida as it was on the plantaions as Florida's soil and climate is a very different climate
to that of the South. Founded in 1995, the Center for Emerging Art’s mission
is to facilitate a forum in which artists and the public can together challenge traditions, explore new ideas, and serve as
a gateway through which the artists can enter the arts mainstream. Through the presentation of exhibitions, performances,
artistic programming, education, and research, the Center directs its efforts to respond to the ever-changing, total artists’
and community’s needs.