WHO: Center for Emerging Art in partnership with The Mutiny Hotel WHAT Center for Emerging Art presents DINNER with
PUCCINI CONCERT at The Mutiny Hotel. The Music Map of the World Concert: Italy which will include the music of Italian
composer Giacomo Puccini WHERE: THE MUTINY
HOTEL - 2951 South Bayshore Drive | Coconut Grove FL 33133 Reception: Complimentary Wine & Cheese Reception hosted by the hotel followed by Concert and Dinner * * * * * The Center for Emerging Art’s CEA Chamber Ensemble presents an evening of music which
will include excerpts from Puccini’s operas La Boheme and Madam Butterfly and the culinary delight featured the operas The
dinner may begin with a Madam Butterfly sake Martini or Atchana’s special creation for Puccini and will be served with
Asian-inspired appetizers to celebrate Puccini’s opera Madame Butterfly. The dinner will reflect Puccini’s sense
of drama and theatrics, which have inspired a varied erotic settings of his opera in which there is always a mention and celebration
of food, such as in La Boheme when the tenor sings: Aranci, datteri! Caldi I marroni! Oranges,
dates, hot chestnuts! Ninnoli, croci!
Torroni! Trinkets,
crosses, nougat! Panna montala!
Whipped Cream! Oh, la crostala! Oh, fruit
pies! Caramelle! Toffees! Fiori
alle belle! Flowers for pretty girls!
Fringuelli, Passeri! Finches, sparrows! . . CEA CHAMBER ENSEMBLE: Paul Martin, classical guitar, Oderlyn Gutiez, flute, Beatriz Vera, violin, Ava Rado, Artististic
Director. The program includes exceprts from Puccini’s operas, which have been transcribed by Paul Martin with the flute
representing the soprano’s voice in such operas as: Che gelida manina, Si, mi chiamano Mimi (La Boheme); Vissi d'arte
(Tosca), Un bel di vedremo and Vogliatemi bene (Madame Butterfly) and Nessun Dorma (Turandot) to mention a few which are being
presented by the Center for Emerging Art’s Music Map of the World: Italy program. for
further information Ava Rado 305.538.2803

Presents CEA
CHAMBER ENSEMBLEOderlyn Guitiez, flute Beatriz Vera,
violin Paul Martin, guitar Artistic Director: Ava L. Rado An EVENING in SPAIN at Windisch-Hunt Fine Arts Gallery
2911 Grand Ave. Coconut Grove Saturday, 19 June 2010 at 7 p.m. Fantazia (Flute, Violin & Guitar) Enrique Vallderrabano (1500-1557) Jota for Flute & Guitar Spanish Folk Dance from Aragon Villancico (Flute, Violin & Guitar) Juan Bautista Comes (1582?-1643) Jota for Violin & Guitar Spanish Folk Dance from Mallorca Fandango (Flute & Guitar) Popular Spanish folk dance & song La Vida Breve (Violin & Guitar) Manuel de Falla (1876-1946) Tocata (Flute, Violin & Guitar) Juan Cabanilles (1644-1712) All programs are
subject to change The Music of Spain has a vibrant and long history which has had an important impact
on music in Western culture, and is often associated with traditions like flamenco and the acoustic guitar. Spanish music
is incredibly diverse from region to region. Spain has an important role within the history of classical music from Renaissance
composers like Tomas Luis de Victoria, to the zarzuela
of Spanish opera, which is a Spanish lyric-dramatic genre that alternates between spoken and sung scenes, incorporating operatic
and popular song and dance, to the passionate ballet of Manuel de Falla and the guitarist Pepe Romero. WHO:
The Center for Emerging Art in partnership with The Ritz-Carlton, South Beach presents Music Map of the World Chamber Concert
Festival representing the music of Russia. WHAT:
“DoubleSharp” Music Map of the World Chamber Concert Festival presents Duo-Pianists: Natasha Rubin and Maria Demina WHEN:
Friday December 18, 2009 - 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Cocktail reception - 7:00 p.m. “DoubleSharp” Duo-Pianists: Natasha
Rubin and Maria Demina - 8:00 p.m. Meet the Artist Reception WHERE: The Ritz-Carlton, South Beach, One Lincoln Road, Miami Beach (special Music Map of the World packages are
available for the CEA & Ritz-Carlton guests during December 17 to 20th) SPACE IS LIMITED tickets are required -
For further details about The Ritz-Carlton, South Beach WEEKEND PACKAGE and ticket information please call 305.538.2803 or
e-mail: info@CenterForEmergingArt.org ''The language of music is one avenue to bring people together.'' The Music Map of the World and the Chamber Concert series are both in the fifth year
and the Center for Emerging Art has combined the two programs to create its first Chamber Music Festival. The concerts will gives voice to the cultural roots of great composers with the CEA
CHAMBER ENSEMBLE and guest performers, and give voice to the music closest to the composer’s heart because it is the
music the composed to be played and heard by friends, confidants and peers of the composer in a salon style setting as was
presented in the 17th and 18th Century during the composer‘s lifetimeThe Music Map of the World
concert performances of chamber music will allow the audience to become familiar with music from France, Italy, Germany, Russia,
Austria/Hungary encouraging purposeful listening to enhance multicultural understanding and of literary and historical perspective
for each cultural heritage. The knowledge of cultural heritage is essential in developing an appreciation for who we are,
what influence our musical heritage plays in our lives and why we interact with others as we do. This knowledge of our musical
heritage can help understand the diversity of life styles and cultural differences in our community and bring the community
together on a common ground, music. The Center for
Emerging Art in Miami-Dade County and the Fabini Foundation in Budapest presents International Cultural Exchange
concert "Together-Együtt” which gives emerging and internationally known artists an opportunity
to create and perform internationally. Music lovers and musicians paid their respect to the memory of Béla
Bartók with an exquisite programs at Bartók House of Music in Rákoshegy where Béla Bartók
lived from 1912 and 1920, which has been beautifully restored and turned into a living house of music celebrating
the world famous composer Béla Bartók's 125th anniversary of his birth.

DRUGS it takes away Your Family, Your
Friends, Your Job, Your Freedom, Your Life, It takes away Your Opportunities, Your Happiness, Your Dreams. PREVENTION
through the ARTS !!!!!!DRUGS it’s
just the END!!!!!!
“CONSEQUENCES” 28 minute film produced by Miami Meach High School Students
VISUALIZING THE CONSEQUENCES Miami Herald, Debbie Leibowitz Showing at The Wolfsonian on Thursday, April 26: “Consequences”,
a 28-minute film about the consequences of alcohol and drugs - written, directed and performed by Miami BeachSenior High School students. The film was produced by Beach-based Center for Emerging Art’s “Prevention
through the Arts” program. The six month program –
implemented at Beach High last October – was designed to enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of issues
related to the use of alcohol and drugs, according to Ava Rado, The Center’s founding Director. Project funding was provided by the state and county, as well as the
Miami Beach Chamber Pillars Trust and Commissioner Bruno Barreiro. Over 150 students (ages 13-18) from Beach High’s Fine Arts and Music Department participated. They were
asked to research actual behaviors and attitudes of community members, their family and newspaper articles about people who
use/abuse alcohol – and to produce an exhibition and video based on their findings. One of the film’s four scenarios is based on a Miami Herald article about a teenager
who shoots his girlfriend while high on methamphetamine. The exhibition,
“Driving under the Influence” features 20 student drawings (chosen from 350 entries) displaying tombstone messages
about drug and alcohol abuse. The exhibition is on display at Department of Children and Families, Miami Screening of “Consequences” begins at 7 p.m., followed by an awards reception. Tickets are $10 (adults); $5 students (with
valid ID). The Wolfsonian is located at 1001 Washington Avenue. For tickets or information call 305.538.2803 or visit website:www.centerforemergingart.org
----------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESS RELEASE - The Center for
Emerging Art successfully completed the Prevention through the Arts educational outreach program at Miami Beach Senior High
School. Center for Emerging Art received a grant from to produce a “Prevention through the Arts” musical, a peer
to peer alcohol and drug prevention program. The CEA’s
Prevention through the Arts educational outreach program works with high school students to enhance their knowledge and understanding
of the issues that are related with the use of Alcohol and Drugs. The program encourages prevention in its participants through
on-going discussion and dialogue with the Center for Emerging Art’s artists and staff. The students in Miami Beach
Senior High School are learned about the harms of drugs and alcohol use by utilizing art and drama as a form of expression
to create their own message from their own or imagined experiences. “The performance was a great success and the
kids were fantastic” commented Ava Rado Ava L. Rado, Center for Emerging Art’s Executive and Artistic Director,
who designed and directed the program. "I worked with the students at Beach High and feel the most important elements
of this program was that my staff and I allowed the students to be themselves and create a play that carried their own message
and not a scripted dialog written by some adult. These kids were wonderful to work with and incorporated what they learned
in the alcohol/drug workshops into their art and performance and took direction well. The play evolved around the discussion
what could happen when they get together and look back on the who’s made it and who didn’t when they get together
at their "10 Year Reunion: Our Stories" and looked back on the past ten years. The play examined the relationships
between students and fortunately, it was not about the usually cliché that you see in a play that is suppose to have
a 'message' said Ava Rado.
The following are a few of the comments that came back to me from the students who
participated in the Prevention through the Arts program:
Diego Herrada, one of the students actors said: This was
one of the best experiences I've ever been through. We Had fun, shared some laughs, completely exploded on each other but
if a question such as "would you do it again?" arose.. I would answer.." YES"
Nathaly Ossa
-Everyone was great, everyone helped out and they were responsible for their parts and they were patient with each other.
Everyone treated each other with respect and we had fun. Essential aims in my activity was to make a script/ a story that
people can relate to (the S A T skit) the pressures of school and how sometimes it might seem like drugs or alcohol is the
only answer but its not. I wanted to bring a real life situation that at the same of being realistic can be some thing people
haven’t heard of so they could be entertained and informed at the same time. I believe I was successful and the actors
in my skit played the part. I was very happy with the results.
Ryan Martinez - I was an extra for the SAT scene
and then I was Tybalt for the drunk driving scene. Both scenes were completely improvised for me in rehearsal as in, there
was nothing in the script that said I should do a certain thing. But whatever I ended up doing in practice I did on stage
and it worked well. More people are aware of substance abuse I suppose. But things like this have been going on for years
so it's no DRAMATIC change. If this were a play in say the early 90's then it'd be a hell of a lot different. But it's in
2006 and everyone who DOES do drugs, do it knowing the full consequence. They simply don't care.
For more information
or if you would like to implement the "Prevention through the Arts" at your school/community please call Ava Rado
at 305-538-2803

HUNGARIAN INSTITUTE for the BLIND and VOCATIONAL SCHOOL The Center for Emerging Art's International Cultural Exchange
takes place in the Nador Terem at school for the blind with students and musicians who are blind and visually impaired
paired with sighted performers has presented Krisztina
Szabo, piano, David Andai, violin with Ungaria Zongoranegyes, the Worlds only blind quartet with Ava Rado, Artistic
Director Interntaional Cultural Exchange with Joanne
Martinez, soprano, Krisztina Szabo, pianist and Tamas Nemeth, pianist and Artistic Director Ava Rado at the Raday Kastely
(Castle)Pecel Budapest Interntational Cultural Exchange with Tamas Erdi, piano
- Michael Andrew, cello with Ava Rado, Artistic Director at the University of Miami Victor Clarke Recital Hall and Miami City
Ballet on Miami Beach International Cultural Exchange
"Evening of Music and Poetry" with Ferenc Mozsi, poet Peter Hargitai, translations and Paul Martin, classical guitar
with Karrie Griffiths, flute

Mr. & Mrs. Cheech Marin at the ALMA AWARDS |
MUSIC MAP of THE WORLD CONCERT SERIES ''The language of music is
one avenue to bring people together''

(Photo: Ava Rado with Ungaro Zongoranegyes, Szabo Krisztina, David Andai) The Center for Emerging Art's International Cultural Exchange with Hungary is an on-going cultural
exchange for the past six years of bringing poets and musicians to Miami-Dade County. The cultural exchange builds bridges
of understanding between the two countries' artists and community. The primary focus is on bringing distinguished artists
from Budapest to Miami to meet with their professional counterparts and to strive for a cultural diverse performance created
during the interchange of knowledge and talent. The project is a mutual and reciprocal two-way cultural exchange of artists
with different backgrounds and culture who will connect and communicate their roots to the audience in Budapest and Miami.
The project will build a wider international audience and will enhance public understanding and appreciation of different
cultures. The Educational Outreach part of the program is in collaboration with the VSA arts of Florida as part of their School
Collaborations program, whose goals are to provide the opportunity for a professional performer with a disability to visit
5 Florida sites with performances and outreach events for students with and without disabilities, AND to raise public awareness
regarding the role of arts in a complete education.
The Center for Emerging Art presents a comprehensive schedule
cultural programming of performances, workshops and community outreach projects that promote creativity, and bring artists
and the public together to explore new ideas and build bridges of understanding between cultures. Please visit the CEA Website:
VSA arts of Florida Founded in 1981, VSA arts of Florida actively promotes arts,
disability awareness and education yearly to over one million people with disabilities and their families throughout the state.
Each year, VSA arts of Florida works with schools and community groups to offer four main program areas of art and disability
exploration: Education Activities, Professional Development, Cultural Access and Public Awareness. These programs open up
the world of arts by giving people with disabilities an avenue to express themselves and introducing new ideas into the art
